The quiet power of stirring up small storms. Russian black tea, shattered bone china, the ozone of passing thunderclouds, and rain-damp suede.
"And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worthwhile,
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,
After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor—
And this, and so much more?"
— TS Elliot
Art: Still Life - Tea Set by Jean-Étienne Liotard, 1781
The quiet power of stirring up small storms. Russian black tea, shattered bone china, the ozone of passing thunderclouds, and rain-damp suede.
"And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worthwhile,
After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets,
After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor—
And this, and so much more?"
— TS Elliot
Art: Still Life - Tea Set by Jean-Étienne Liotard, 1781