A cozy afternoon of curled up in a favorite chair - delicately spiced Lavender de Provence, steaming Earl Gray tea, and tattered old paperback books.
Once we read Tennyson aloud
In our great fireside chair;
Between the lines, my lips could touch
Her April-scented hair.
How very fond I was, to think
The printed poems fair,
When close within my arms I held
A living lyric there!
by Christopher Morley
Art: The Yellow Books by Vincent van Gogh, c.1887
A cozy afternoon of curled up in a favorite chair - delicately spiced Lavender de Provence, steaming Earl Gray tea, and tattered old paperback books.
Once we read Tennyson aloud
In our great fireside chair;
Between the lines, my lips could touch
Her April-scented hair.
How very fond I was, to think
The printed poems fair,
When close within my arms I held
A living lyric there!
by Christopher Morley
Art: The Yellow Books by Vincent van Gogh, c.1887