A summer flirtation of pink cotton candy, candy orange slices, red licorice, bergamot, pineapple, fresh passionfruit, green figs, vanilla musk, pink pepper, oleander, freesia, Panama rose, frangipani, green coconut water, and cashmere musk.
At one glance
I loved you
With a thousand hearts
They can hold against me
No sin except my love for you
Come to me
Don’t go away.
- Mihri Hatun, 15th century
Art: Love Flight of a Pink Candy Heart by Florine Stettheimer, 1930
A summer flirtation of pink cotton candy, candy orange slices, red licorice, bergamot, pineapple, fresh passionfruit, green figs, vanilla musk, pink pepper, oleander, freesia, Panama rose, frangipani, green coconut water, and cashmere musk.
At one glance
I loved you
With a thousand hearts
They can hold against me
No sin except my love for you
Come to me
Don’t go away.
- Mihri Hatun, 15th century
Art: Love Flight of a Pink Candy Heart by Florine Stettheimer, 1930