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An embrace of fresh bed linens ironed with French lavender water, warm rose-mint tea, spiced vanilla, blue lotus, green cedar, Shiksha and lignon berries while aromatic tendrils of juniper wood from the warm hearth gently caress the frost slowly creeping through the windowpane.

And suddenly, my thoughts then turned to you
Who came to me upon a winter's night,
When snow-sprites round my attic window flew,
Your hair disheveled, eyes aglow with light.
My heart was like the weather when you came,
The wanton winds were blowing loud and long;
But you, with joy and passion all aflame,
You danced and sang a lilting summer song.
I made room for you in my little bed,
Took covers from the closet fresh and warm,
A downful pillow for your scented head,
And lay down with you resting in my arm.

- Claude McKay 1912

Art: Yuki-Onna, the Lady of the Snow by Evelyn Paul, 1912

Winterling Perfume

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An embrace of fresh bed linens ironed with French lavender water, warm rose-mint tea, spiced vanilla, blue lotus, green cedar, Shiksha and lignon berries while aromatic tendrils of juniper wood from the warm hearth gently caress the frost slowly creeping through the windowpane.

And suddenly, my thoughts then turned to you
Who came to me upon a winter's night,
When snow-sprites round my attic window flew,
Your hair disheveled, eyes aglow with light.
My heart was like the weather when you came,
The wanton winds were blowing loud and long;
But you, with joy and passion all aflame,
You danced and sang a lilting summer song.
I made room for you in my little bed,
Took covers from the closet fresh and warm,
A downful pillow for your scented head,
And lay down with you resting in my arm.

- Claude McKay 1912

Art: Yuki-Onna, the Lady of the Snow by Evelyn Paul, 1912

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Lee Dail
My new favorite!

The Winterling sample surprised me! It's a beautiful blend that reminds me of an uplifting woodsy and slightly floral aroma with frankincense, but there isn't frankincense in it! It can be worn anytime. I will buy a big bottle.

Yet another masterpiece by Alkemia!

This opens with a comforting woody note that reminds me of the old cedar bedframe I had when I was a kid. It then melts into this light purple, mystical scent that I can't quite explain. Lavender is usually overpowering to me, but this blends it perfectly. It reminds me of a magical winter dream, twinkling stars, and that warmth you feel in your heart when you hold someone you love. Phenomenal.

this is lovely!

soft, and clean smelling! i enjoy the since of cold this gives off. quite good, a bit similar to Poudre depicine, but i dont think thats a bad thing, its like this is the winter side of Poudre depicine!